If you were looking for thousands of travel pictures on hundreds of pages of content, along with all of the run on sentences you could ever hope to read, then welcome, you’ve come to the right place
Going inside a 366 foot high sphere and testing its claim that every seat is a good seat
My favorite Diego Rivera mural is one that does not exist
Seeing the future in Osaka and Seoul, just to relive the past one more time in Kyoto
John Marsh Davis, Jeanne Gang, Steep Urbanism, five rules for booking AIA tours and the omnipresent Transamerica Pyramid
Racing all around Brooklyn in a treasure hunt of sorts
An observation deck where up is down, down is up, the party never stops, time is dead and meaning has no meaning
A fifteen year old promise is fulfilled at the Lavaux
If you save up enough Star Alliance miles, sooner or later you’ll think that a 15 hour layover in Singapore is a good idea
Wait, I thought spring training was cancelled this year because, well, you know
Somewhere on a desert highway she rides a Harley Davidson, her long blonde hair flyin’ in the wind
Unity Temple, the Rookery, Nick Cave, Bruce Wayne, the Chateau Frontenac Theory and Wolf Point
My compass spins, the wilderness remains
Orange, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, repeat
Let's go to the City Museum before it's sued out of existence